GDST Advent Calendar 2016 - Storymaps
Every map has a story
Maps are not just for Geographers, if you visit the Esri Storymaps gallery you will find a whole host of inspiring interactive “storymaps” on all kinds of themes including history, religion, ecology, business, architecture, space, sport, politics and much more.
Even more exciting is the ability for you and your students to create their own storymaps. They don’t even have to contain any maps, they could just be a collection of interesting interactive websites along with your own text. You can do all this for free once you have set up a free account. This is a quick and easy way to create your own web resources and can be a very creative activity for students.
For example I produced this resource about our recent trip to Italy to share with students and parents, and this to create resources to teach about climate change (note you may need to click “load unsafe scripts” or “blocked content” in your browser’s address bar to view all the embedded resources). Here is one my students made to explore their global connections
I hope you have a great Christmas and enjoy creating your own storymaps.
Raphael Heath. Head of Geography and Trust Consultant Teacher