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Examples of lessons and activities using GIS


Survey 123 web browser for data collection

You can very easily create a survey form which creates a layer within ArcGIS with all the correct features and an easy format to enter data through the form or directly within ArcGIS if you choose. You then open the layer into a map to manipulate the view. You can choose to enter data in the field or back at school.

Example survey

Example data

Example results

Map with the results



Kenya population density

This is an example of a simple activity where students just explore different layers in order to try to explain which factors are most important in influencing the population distribution. A similar task can be created for the UK population density.



Basic activity where students are challenged to use the map to describe the location of hurricanes, try to suggest reasons for their distribution. Then to consider which places would be worst affected.



Similar to the hurricanes activity where students explain the pattern of earthquakes and consider which places would be worst affected.


River holford profile

An example of using the elevation profile web app to explore the nature of a drainage basin used in fieldwork.


River Holford location map

Students use this map to examine the physical features of a drainage basin before a fieldtrip to consider the factors which could influence the river flow


Holford bedload shape

An example of using operations dashboard to examine data such as pebble shape along a river system from fieldwork data.


Severn 3D measure

Students use 3D measuring tools to examine the changes in the river valley cross section as you move downstream

Or 2d alterative of the last activity


Upper Wye  flood factors

Students use this to explore factors which could influence flooding in Hereford from the River Wye. Used GIS to create drainage basin. Also includes layers such as elevation and a useful link to NRA station data – but note you need to correct the weblink to the NRA stations by changing the “?” to “/” in the address that it tries to open.


Carbon emissions over time

Nice way to explore changes in emissions by different countries,-29.4968,139.0429,75.3756 


Plate boundary profiles

Tool to examine the shape of plate boundaries – can see destructive margins and explain tectonics from it.

World volcanoes

App with 2000 years of eruption data to examine the patterns on different boundaries and locations


Park and ride in Bath location

Students used this map to examine data on traffic flows in Bath in order to evaluate the best location for a new park and ride scheme. GIS can also be used to develop interesting investigations into things like where is the best location for a new supermarket using data layers and geo enrichment activities


Oxford crime data

There is lots of publically available crime data which can be useful for NEA studies or a slightly different geography topic at KS3. It allows lots of interesting spatial analysis tools to be used such as density mapping.


Climate change survey

This is an interactive activity where students respond to questionnaire about attitudes to climate change and then examine the views of other students on this topic from around the world.


Hazard risk mapping

This is an interactive activity where students create a hazard risk score for their local area should a mega volcano erupt and then compare this to other locations around the world.


Quality of life survey

This was a survey I did of students views on quality of life – makes a very nice simple data collection study – and students can then compare responses in different locations.


UK census 2011 data

A storymap with lots of useful census data. This type of data is easily accessible to add to any map within ArcGIS online


Hereford flood mapping

An example of using data interpolation tools within ArcGIS to study flood risk mapping from fieldwork data


Micro climate 3D

Example of using 3D map viewer to enhance study of interpolated micro climate data from fieldwork.


Crime dashboard

Example of using operations dashboard to examine changes in crime in various locations over time.


Bristol crime study

Example of students exploring crime data for NEA in Bristol using analysis tools


Sphere of influence

Example of creating sphere of influence flow line maps from fieldwork data



ESRI UK schools resources

Huge bank of resources of use to teachers for using GIS


Community analyst

Amazing tool for quickly extracting local data for any location – useful for NEA and changing places topic


Living atlas –

This is an overview of some of the curated layers you can access in ArcGIS including things like UK wealth data and age profiles etc.


Historic map and urban growth

Very useful overlay of historic and modern maps to view change over time- not just for urban areas but also things like coastal retreat.



A few other nice links and maps


Atlas of changing planet


Storymaps gallery -


Water balance -


Geology map


Population pyramids


Cool maps


Realtime stream gauges

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