GDST iPads CPD training January 2017
Assessment and feedback tools
Presentation tools
There are many ways to deliver content to our classes. Using a VLE like firefly is one option. You might also like Zeetings where you can control the iPad display in real time or blendspaces
These resources have been produced in both:
Polling tools - mentimeter
Useful ways to get quick responses from all students. Can lead to discussions. Can start lesson asking which exam question in hardest and then lesson focuses on ones chosen by students.
List favourite iPad apps and web tools/ apps you use in lessons: https://www.menti.com/9c0428
View the results here: https://www.mentimeter.com/s/56bba87f7fc94c76b44be6333aa858c7/b85276fca969
Another example using a rating scale: https://www.menti.com/791cea
View the results:
Google forms survey of use of iPads
Click on the link below and answer the questions:
Click on this link to view the results of this survey
Using Padlet for collaborative work
Click on this link and add ideas to the padlet board
Using Quiz apps like Kahoot
The basic structure of a Blind kahoot:
Introduce the game to let learners know what to expect, and that it's about learning, not about getting all of the answers right the first time.
Use a "Blind" question (a question about something completely new to them) to spark curiosity, so learners are more receptive to the explanation.
Explain the answer
Reinforce using a series of questions focused solely on what they have just learned
Another Blind question prompts learners to actively listen to the explanation - this is a great opportunity to teach subtleties, exceptions to the rule or to build on what they have just learned
Reinforce with another series of questions solely about the most recent Blind question
Now use Compound Reinforcement to help learners consolidate everything they have learned in the whole kahoot
Go to this link to try one out: https://kahoot.it/#/
Using Flashcard apps like Quizlet
Flashcard apps can be a really useful tools to learn material
Try this link https://quizlet.com/55577951/flashcards/embed
A useful iPad app https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/flashcards-by-nko-engaging/id478986342?mt=8
Quiz creation tools - Educaplay
With educaplay you can create a wide range of quiz creation tools
Here are some examples:
Monitoring student's work in real time - Classkick
Web and app based: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/classkick/id909904332?mt=8
Click here to experience a sample lesson: https://app.classkick.com/#/login/5I3WD5
Enter: Class code: 513WD5 Name: Your Name
Socrative - live response tools - exit tickets
Socrative can delivery live quizes and poll responses to students. Also has a neat exit ticket tools for plenaries
Click on this link: https://b.socrative.com/login/student/
Enter the classcode you are given
For the third question use: Give an example of where you might use something learnt from today in your teaching
Digital learning website
I have produced a website to provide further ideas and support for teachers in using digital technology. Here is the link http://raphaelheath.wixsite.com/digital-learning