Map Off events in the news
Geoinspirations magazine
ATL Report Magazine October 2016 feature on the Pearson Award winners.
Pearson teaching awards 2016
Teaching Geography Magazine September 2016 "Developing an explosive scheme of work on tectonics" by Raphael Heath
Education technology magazine Dec 2015
GDST newsletter December 2015 -
OCR geography news -
Bath Life magazine November 2015 - read page 103
Schools together web site November 2015 -
The Bath Magainze: November 2015
Teaching Geography Magazine: October 2015 "A world wide geographical investigation using online GIS"
Geography Review Magazine: November 2015 "using GIS to map qualtiy of life"
EsriUK newsletter October 2015
Esri UK promotional email
ArcWatch October 2015: All fired up for GIS Day
ArcWatch October 2015: Have a great GIS Day
OCR Geography October 2015: Are you ready for the Ashcloud Apocalypse?
Earth living journal October 2015: Ashcloud event
The Geographical Association July 2015: Ashcloud Apocalypse Event 2015
Ordnance Survey June 2015: Schools get involved with the Ashcloud GIS event
Volcanoes Top Trumps link: Ashcloud Apocalypse Event
Living Geography May 2015: Ashcloud Apocalypse