Map Off events in the news

Geoinspirations magazine http://www.directionsmag.com/entry/geoinspirations-raphael-heath/487503
ATL Report Magazine October 2016 feature on the Pearson Award winners.
Pearson teaching awards 2016 http://pearsonteachingawards.com/project/raphael-heath/
Teaching Geography Magazine September 2016 "Developing an explosive scheme of work on tectonics" by Raphael Heath
Education technology magazine Dec 2015 http://flickread.com/edition/html/index.php?pdf=566fe85f8edfb#62
GDST newsletter December 2015 - http://www.gdst.net/3484/current-parents/viewpoint-autumn/winter-2015/world-gis-day---ashcloud-apocalypse/
OCR geography news - http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/by-subject/geography/geography-news/reflections-and-lessons-from-the-ashcloud-apocalypse-gis-event-2015-1/
Bath Life magazine November 2015 - read page 103 http://flickread.com/edition/PensordFreeLibrary/5657440143fde/
Schools together web site November 2015 - http://www.schoolstogether.org/projects/royal-high-school-bath-geography-department-leads-tens-of-thousands-of-students-in-global-ashcloud-apocalpyse-challenge/
The Bath Magainze: November 2015 http://thebathmagazine.co.uk/ashcloud-apocalpyse-challenge/
Teaching Geography Magazine: October 2015 "A world wide geographical investigation using online GIS"
Geography Review Magazine: November 2015 "using GIS to map qualtiy of life"
EsriUK newsletter October 2015
Esri UK promotional email
ArcWatch October 2015: All fired up for GIS Day
ArcWatch October 2015: Have a great GIS Day
OCR Geography October 2015: Are you ready for the Ashcloud Apocalypse?
Earth living journal October 2015: Ashcloud event
The Geographical Association July 2015: Ashcloud Apocalypse Event 2015
Ordnance Survey June 2015: Schools get involved with the Ashcloud GIS event
Volcanoes Top Trumps link: Ashcloud Apocalypse Event
Living Geography May 2015: Ashcloud Apocalypse